Welcome to Class 8 - Year 4

Class Teacher - Mrs Warner (Deputy-head) and Mrs Hart (Teacher)

Supporting Class 8 is Miss Hilton(TA)

Class 8's weekly timetable...


Reading - Children are expected to read regularly (at least 4 times a week). There is a selection of books in school or they can read their own book as long as it is at a suitable level. In Year 4 the children should be building up their ability to read independently and so could discuss what they have read with an adult rather than read one to one. Reading cards need to be completed and signed by an adult as a record of reading. Weekly dojos will be awarded.


Homework - LKS 2 – One piece of English and maths per week. Sent home on Friday to be returned on Wednesday. Reading five times a week.


Swimming - Children in Year 4 will attend weekly swimming lessons at the Sports Village on Monday afternoon. Children should bring a towel, one piece costume in a bag and goggles if they wish. Children should come to school in a warm PE kit.


P.E - Children should come into school in PE kit on Thursday.


Music- The children will take part in the Wider Opportunities String lessons. The lessons are each Tuesday. Each child will be provided with an instrument for the year, instruments need to brought into school each Tuesday.  

Please find resources that will help with your child's learning at home under the Home Learning tab. 
