E-Safety Computing  

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh


E-Safety Policy


 Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.





Computing in the 21st Century is seen as an essential resource to support learning and teaching, as well as playing an important role in the everyday lives of children, young people and adults.  Consequently, schools need to build in the use of these technologies in order to arm our young people with the skills to access life-long learning and employment.

Information and Communications Technology covers a wide range of resources including; web-based and mobile learning.  It is also important to recognise the constant and fast paced evolution of Computing within our society as a whole.  Currently the internet technologies children and young people are using both inside and outside of the classroom include:


  • Websites
  • Learning Platforms and Virtual Learning Environments
  • E-mail and Instant Messaging
  • Chat Rooms and Social Networking
  • Blogs and Wikis
  • Making games
  • Making Apps
  • Coding
  • Debugging
  • Using Algorithms
  • Podcasting
  • Video Broadcasting
  • Music Downloading
  • Gaming
  • Mobile/ Smart phones with text, video and web functionality
  • Other mobile devices with web functionality


Whilst exciting and beneficial both in and out of the context of education, much computing, particularly web-based resources, are not consistently policed.  All users need to be aware of the range of risks associated with the use of these Internet technologies.

At Sacred Heart, we understand the responsibility to educate our pupils on eSafety issues; teaching them the appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom.

Schools hold personal data on learners, staff and other people to help them conduct their day-to-day activities.   Some of this information is sensitive and could be used by another person or criminal organisation to cause harm or distress to an individual. The loss of sensitive information can result in media coverage, and potentially damage the reputation of the school. This can make it more difficult for your school to use technology to benefit learners.


Everybody in the school has a shared responsibility to secure any sensitive information used in their day to day professional duties and even staff not directly involved in data handling should be made aware of the risks and threats and how to minimise them.

Both this policy and the Acceptable Use Agreement (for all staff, governors, visitors and pupils) are inclusive of both fixed and mobile internet; technologies provided by the school (such as PCs, laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablets, webcams, whiteboards, voting systems, digital video equipment, etc); and technologies owned by pupils and staff, but brought onto school premises (such as laptops, mobile phones, camera phones, PDAs and portable media players, etc).


All monitoring, surveillance or investigative activities are conducted by computing authorised staff and comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) and the Lawful Business Practice Regulations 2000.


A breach or suspected breach of policy by a School employee, contractor or pupil may result in the temporary or permanent withdrawal of School computing hardware, software or services from the offending individual.

Any policy breach is grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the School Disciplinary Procedure or, where appropriate, the HCC Disciplinary Procedure or Probationary Service Policy.   

Policy breaches may also lead to criminal or civil proceedings.


Any security breaches or attempts, loss of equipment and any unauthorised use or suspected misuse of computing must be immediately reported to the school’s eSafety coordinator. Additionally, all security breaches, lost/stolen equipment or data (including remote access SecureID tokens and PINs), virus notifications, unsolicited emails, misuse or unauthorised use of computing and all other policy non-compliance must be reported to Mrs Williams or Miss Lawton.

Primary Pupil Acceptable Use

Agreement / eSafety Rules

  • I will only use computing in school for school purposes.
  • I will only use my class e-mail address or my own school e-mail address when e-mailing.
  • I will only open e-mail attachments from people I know, or who my teacher has approved.
  • I will not tell other people my computing passwords.
  • I will only open/delete my own files.
  • I will make sure that all computing contact with other children and adults is responsible, polite and sensible.
  • I will not deliberately look for, save or send anything that could be unpleasant or nasty.   If I accidentally find anything like this I will tell my teacher immediately.
  • I will not give out my own details such as my name, phone number or home address.  I will not arrange to meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher and a responsible adult comes with me.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using computing because I know that these rules are to keep me safe.  
  • I will support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset any member of the school community
  • I know that my use of computing can be checked and that my parent/ carer contacted if a member of school staff is concerned about my eSafety.   


Dear Parent/ Carer

Computing including the internet, e-mail and mobile technologies, etc has become an important part of learning in our school.   We expect all children to be safe and responsible when using any computing.  
Please read and discuss these eSafety rules with your child and return the slip at the bottom of this page.  If you have any concerns or would like some explanation please contact Miss C Lawton


Parent/ carer signature

We have discussed this and ……………………………………..........(child name) agrees to follow the eSafety rules and to support the safe use of computing at  Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.

Parent/ Carer Signature …….………………….………………………….

Class ………………………………….  Date ………………………………



  • All files downloaded from the Internet, received via e-mail or on removable media (e.g. CD or USB) must be checked for any viruses using school provided anti-virus software before using them
  • Never interfere with any anti-virus software installed on school computing equipment that you use
  • If your machine is not routinely connected to the school network, you must make provision for regular virus updates through your IT team.
  • If you suspect there may be a virus on any school computing equipment, stop using the equipment and contact your computing support provider immediately. The Computing support provider will advise you what actions to take and be responsible for advising others that need to know


Managing Emails

  • The school gives all staff their own e-mail account to use for all school business as a work based tool This is to minimise the risk of receiving unsolicited or malicious e-mails and avoids the risk of personal profile information being revealed.
  • It is the responsibility of each account holder to keep the password secure.  For the safety and security of users and recipients, all mail is filtered and logged; if necessary e-mail histories can be traced. The school email account should be the account that is used for all school business.
  • Under no circumstances should staff contact pupils, parents or conduct any school business using personal e-mail addresses
  • All e-mails should be written and checked carefully before sending, in the same way as a letter written on school headed paper
  • Pupils may only use school approved accounts on the school system and only under direct teacher supervision for educational purposes


E-mails received as part of your School job will be subject to disclosure in response to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You must therefore actively manage your e-mail account as follows:

Delete all e-mails of short-term value

Organise e-mail into folders and carry out frequent house-keeping on all folders and archives

The following pupils have their own individual school issued accounts (Year 5 and 6), all other children use a class/ group e-mail address

All pupil e-mail users are expected to adhere to the generally accepted rules of netiquette particularly in relation to the use of appropriate language and not revealing any personal details about themselves or others in e-mail communication, or arrange to meet anyone without specific permission, virus checking attachments

Pupils must immediately tell a teacher/ trusted adult if they receive an offensive e-mail

Staff must inform Mrs Williams or Mrs Ahmed if they receive an offensive e-mail

Pupils are introduced to e-mail as part of the computing Scheme of Work

However you access your school e-mail (whether directly, through webmail when away from the office or on non-school hardware) all the school e-mail policies apply

Sending emails

  • If sending e-mails containing personal, confidential, classified or financially sensitive data to external third parties or agencies, refer to the Section Error! Reference source not found.
  • Use your own school e-mail account so that you are clearly identified as the originator of a message
  • If you are required to send an e-mail from someone else’s account, always sign on through the ‘Delegation’ facility within your e-mail software so that you are identified as the sender (if available within your software)
  • Do not send or forward attachments unnecessarily. Whenever possible, send the location path to the shared drive rather than sending attachments
  • School e-mail is not to be used for personal advertising

Receiving e-mails

  • Check your e-mail regularly
  • Never open attachments from an untrusted source; Consult your network manager first.
  • Do not use the e-mail systems to store attachments. Detach and save business related work to the appropriate shared drive/folder
  • The automatic forwarding and deletion of e-mails is not allowed.


Reviewed  Spring Term 2022