Health & Safety Policy  


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh


Health & Safety Policy


Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.




Statement of Intent


The Governing Body of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, will so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that all activities under its control are carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, relevant regulations, approved codes of practice, guidance notes, the Health and Safety Policies of Wigan Education Authority and with due regard to advice and information provided by the Authority's advisers.
We therefore, will do what is reasonably practicable to exceed the minimum requirements within the resources that are available.  The Governing Body will also ensure that systems are in place which will allow us to maintain, monitor and, where necessary, carry out risk assessments which will allow us to improve our safety performance.
The Governing Body will comply, as far as is reasonable, with arrangements and procedures made by the Wigan Education Authority as part of its responsibilities as employer.  In the case of lettings arranged by the Governing Body, they will ensure that appropriate health and safety arrangements are in place.
In return, the Governing Body expects all employees to exceed their minimum legal duties, which are stipulated later in the Health and Safety Policy.  Included in this is the co-operation of all employees to assist the Governing Body in carrying out their obligations as required.
This policy will be reviewed annually or when necessary in order to meet changes in circumstances.
Any necessary changes will be brought to the attention of all employees to assist in improving safety performance.


The Governors will ensure that:

  • the LA's HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICES and Codes of Practice are fully implemented and to ensure compliance, are monitored on a regular basis;
  • the school produces its own safety policy to supplement the LA's policies, and that the policy is annually reviewed;
  • a School Safety Committee is established;
  • the Safety Policies will be brought to the notice of all employees;
  • the school has considered its health and safety obligations and has made provision for meeting those obligations;
  • the school's staffing structure appropriately reflects the responsibilities for carrying out the arrangements for health and safety:
  • health and safety issues concerning the school are identified and appropriate action taken;
  • regular safety reports are provided by the Headteacher so that safety arrangements can be monitored and evaluated;
  • appropriate facilities and information for accredited Union Safety Representatives are provided to enable them to fulfil their duties:
  • all reasonable facilities and information are provided to officers of the Education and Cultural Services Directorate, inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and any other health and safety official as appropriate

Signed - P. Turton

Chair of Governors Headteacher

Date: Summer 2022




  1. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places duties on EMPLOYERS to safeguard, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees and the health and safety of persons not employed such as pupils and visitors but who may be affected by work activities. Employers also have additional duties under other health and safety legislation such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

In Aided Schools such as ours the EMPLOYER is the Governing Body. Any reference to the employer in this document is a reference to the Governing Body and not the Local Authority.

  1. Persons who have CONTROL OF PREMISES have duties to take mandate memos to ensue so far as is reasonably practicable that premises and equipment are safe for people using them who are not their employees, e.g. pupils and visitors and those using premises on a lettings basis.

  2. EMPLOYEES have duties to take reasonable care to ensure that they work in ways which are safe and without risk to health both to themselves and other staff, pupils and visitors. They must also co-operate so that employers can comply with their statutory duties.




The LA will offer and advice and support service in the following ways. The:

  • issue of  Codes of Practice, Guidance/ Advice Notes, and other relevant information, as appropriate
  • provision of a comprehensive support and advice service;
  • provision of a comprehensive training programme;
  • provision of a monitoring system for schools;
  • provision of a safety audit service.



All employees have a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to:-

Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other persons;


Co-operate with the employer on health and safety matters to enable the employer to carry out their own responsibilities successfully;


Use correctly any equipment provided for their safety;


Report any defective equipment to their supervisor or other appropriate person, i.e. Safety Representative;


Report accidents or dangerous occurrences at the earliest possible opportunity;


Be familiar with and observe at all times all safety policies and procedures;


Take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all persons in their charge.





The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of health, safety and welfare within the school.

Teaching and non-teaching staff holding posts/positions of responsibility have a general responsibility for the application of the School's Safety Policies within their own area of work and are directly responsible to the Headteacher for the application of all health, safety and welfare measures and procedures within their own department/area of work.

Class teachers have responsibilities for the safety of pupils in their charge.

All employees have a responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health, safety and welfare and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions while at work.  They also have a responsibility to co-operate so that employers can comply with their statutory duties.

More detailed lists of the responsibilities of the Headteacher, teaching and non-teaching staff holding posts of special responsibility, and all employees are set out below.

The Headteacher may wish to delegate some functions to other staff or to re-allocate duties to match the staffing structure of the school, but this will not affect the Headteacher's overall responsibility for health, safety and welfare within the school.



The Headteacher will ensure that:-

- policies and procedures with regard to health, safety and welfare matters within the school are established and approved by the Governing Body, and that the policies and procedures are known, read and followed by all members of staff, including temporary/supply staff;

- Any health and safety matters raised, and guidance from the LA, are brought to the attention of the Governing Body;

- Regular reviews of the safe performance of all departments of the school are undertaken with appropriate action when necessary, and are reported to the Governing Body;

- Accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are reported, investigated, and, where appropriate, preventive measures are taken.  Also, that reports and returns are submitted to the LA and Church Authorities in accordance with the published procedures;

- Adequate first aid provision is made for staff and pupils and other persons, whilst on school premises and when working away from the school, in accordance with LA guidance;

- Training needs are identified and arrangements made for those needs to be met;

- necessary arrangements are made to ensure that Trade Union Safety Representatives can effectively carry out their functions, and that consideration is given to reports on inspections carried out by Safety Representatives;

- All parts of the premises, plant and equipment for which the governors have responsibility are regularly inspected and maintained in safe working order; 

- Goods purchased comply with necessary safety standards and that all equipment purchased is safely installed.

- Any unsafe items which are the LA's responsibility are reported to CYPS and any item which constitutes a health and safety hazard is taken out of use;

- staff and volunteer helpers organising and taking part in visits, journeys and holiday excursions have the necessary knowledge, experience and skills so that they will be aware of, and have made arrangements to deal with, any risks involved;

- working arrangements are agreed with contractors working on the premises and are closely monitored to ensure that the working practices do not endanger the health and/or safety of employees, pupils or other persons on the premises;

- Awareness and co-operation amongst staff with regard to health and safety matters is actively encouraged.


Reviewed Summer Term 2022