Inclusion Policy  


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh


Inclusion Policy


 Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.





The term inclusion describes the removal of barriers. To ‘include’ is to embrace all people regardless of race, creed, gender or disability including Dyslexia, and to include each and everybody in society’s economic and cultural activities.

In education inclusion has become an accepted term to describe a shift in educational provision away from segregating pupils in special schools on the grounds of disability and instead placing increasing numbers of such children in mainstream schools.

Inclusion links up with the agenda for school improvement and the raising of educational standards. It asks schools to examine and improve its approaches to all pupils.

Inclusion concerns all pupils, not just those with special educational needs including Dyslexia. It involves issues relating to whole school ethos, curriculum planning, admission arrangements and communication with parents.



  • To ensure that all children with special educational needs including Dyslexia, language needs and disabilities are identified and that their needs are met within the physical constraints of the building and funding limitations.
  • To ensure that school practices and procedures enable all pupils regardless of race, gender, colour, ability or social circumstances have access to the maximum range of educational opportunities.
  • To ensure that teaching and learning practice and procedures enable all pupils to gain a wide and varied learning experience to suit a range of needs.
  • To strive towards more effective differentiation through planning gin order to meet individual needs.
  • To ensure that a good standard of behaviour is maintained in the school and that the school environment is one in which all pupils can learn happily, effectively and safely.
  • To ensure that school practices allow and promote effective communication between parents and the school and an awareness of procedure.
  • To ensure that effective monitoring of performance and practice is carried out to identify school improvement issues.
  • To ensure that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • To ensure that there is a uniformity of approach and a consensus of opinion about ways in which the school can best serve the needs of the children, parents and the community.


IEP’s must be drawn up and maintained where appropriate for children with special needs including Dyslexia and reviewed by the class teacher, inclusion manager and parents on a regular basis.

Computing/ICT should be used whenever possible to support children with Learning Difficulties.

‘Whole School’ teaching and learning procedures are agreed and monitored on a regular basis. Planning should show differentiation so as to cater for differing abilities, special needs including Dyslexia, EAL and gifted and talented children. Classroom organisation should allow different learning styles and groupings so as to enable all pupils to access a range of educational activities.

Good behaviour in school should be promoted and rewarded. The school behaviour policy should be understood by all staff and pupils and made available for visiting staff and parents.

Parents should be kept well informed of school procedures and events. They are partners in the education of their children.

The school development plan/action plan should show how best the school can meet the needs of staff and the children to raise any issues for further development/improvement.



In accordance with our school Mission Statement ‘ Live and learn with Jesus,‘ all staff and parents should work together to strive to create a happy, pleasant, caring environment within which all children can develop to their fullest their academic ability, physical skills, aesthetic qualities and social awareness.


Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022