Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh
SEND Policy
Live and Learn with Jesus.
We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy and Procedures
At Sacred Heart we identify Special Educational Needs children’s as those with learning difficulties greater than the majority or a child who requires assistance to access the curriculum due to a disability.
We support
SEN Objectives
We believe in valuing each individual and fulfilling their potential through a broad and balanced curriculum suited to their needs and levels of attainment. This embraces National Curriculum Programmes of study, Special Educational Needs Guidelines and adheres to the Code of Practice.
We recognise the need for close links between parents, schools, the LA and other agencies.
We believe the needs of most pupils will be met within the mainstream sector and without statutory Assessment or an E.H.C plan.
The progress of pupils will be continuously monitored to identify needs as they arise; needs will be identified and support provided as early as possible in the children’s time with us. Parents/carers will be fully informed at every stage in plans to meet their child’s special needs. Children themselves will be involved wherever possible, in planning.
Full access to the curriculum will be provided through differentiated planning by class teachers, inclusion manager and support staff as appropriate.
Co-ordinating the provision
The Inclusion Manager will work closely with the headteacher, senior management and other teachers and is closely involved in the strategic development of the SEN policy and provision. They have responsibility for day to day operation of the school’s SEN policy and for co-ordinating provision for pupils with SEN, particularly throughout Early Years Actions and Early Years Action Plus, School Action and School Action Plus.
This will be achieved by
1. Liaising with both teaching and support staff.
2. Co-ordinating provision for pupils at all stages of the Code of Practice.
3. Updating and overseeing the records of all pupils with SEND.
4. Liaising with parents of children with SEND.
5. Liaising with external agencies and the Link Teacher.
6. Attending training and in-service courses and contributing to in-service training for the whole school.
7. Keeping the headteacher informed.
Pupils with SEND are identified usually by the class teachers or parents through normal school assessments and also through foundation stage profiles or SATS results. Once concern has been shown, the Inclusion Manager is informed and an IEP is drawn up. The child is placed on the SEND register his/her progress is regularly reviewed and targets drawn up. The Link Teacher may be consulted. If the child makes good progress he/she may be taken off the SEND register and his/her needs met within the classroom by differentiation.
However, if the child fails to make satisfactory progress, further help is sought from an agency, the Link Teacher or the Educational Psychologist. Discussion will take place with parents, teachers, the Inclusion Manager, the Link Teacher and Headteacher where necessary. The child’s progress will be reviewed regularly, at least termly, and progress will be measured against the targets previously set. A new IEP will then be drawn up. Parents will be informed or targets and outcomes at reviews.
Adapted: Autumn Term 2022
Review Autumn Term 2024